Root Cause
29 August, 2022
The most notorious privacy attacks: RadarCOVID
27 October, 2022
24 October, 2022
We have been living in a social control experiment for the last two years with clear winners and losers, and the coronavirus is at the center of it all.

In 2020 we were subjected to an unprecedented savage confinement that functioned as a global purge. Looking back, the economic consequences for most nations were devastating. In the United States, 22 million jobs were lost and have yet to be recovered, partially because many of those who were unemployed could no longer re-enter the labor market. The country is suffering from a shortage of workers as a result of the decline in migration, the closure of companies and the increase in early retirements. In Spain, more than 600,000 people lost their jobs. After plans to recover from this situation, with a society beaten down by fear, precariousness has been consolidated: chronic ERTEs, companies operating with reduced staff, longer working hours, working from home by obligation... The International Labor Organization (ILO) has declared there are 52 million fewer jobs than before the covid-19 outbreak. In a recent report on social and employment prospects1, the ILO warns that in 2023, this figure will remain at 27 million and has generally lowered recovery forecasts.
Beyond the cold numerical data, ordinary citizens must bear a greater burden that affects their daily lives: depression, anxiety, loneliness, an increase in diseases such as obesity, skyrocketing rates of suicide or alcohol consumption, etc.. Not to mention the real number of people affected by the toxic serums sold to us as vaccines, a number we will never know exactly. With a numb and sick society, the ground to manipulate us is perfectly fertilized.

Did it affect everyone equally? Of course not. In China, the epicenter of the plandemic, GDP increased by 6.5% in the last quarter of 2020. In 2021 its economy reached the most positive markers in history, allowing it to look at other superpowers like the United States straight in the eye. At present, GDP growth continues unstoppably standing at around 5%. The pandemic has forever changed global power dynamics. Coincidentally, it is the Asian giant that has been the most successful in boosting its industry, exports, and international influence: the country in which, due to unclear causes, a virus was released that causes a disease similar to other common illnesses but has unleashed chaos to ridiculous extents. Amid this chaos, China is establishing its supremacy. According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), China will overtake the United States as the world's leading economy by 2030. Anyone who dares to question that covid-19 was the result of an unfortunate accident, with vested interests behind it, could run the risk of being labeled a conspiracy theorist and even a racist. The reality is that no one could have ever imagined before the pandemic that China would gain the media and economic prominence it has today, but it has, and it is thanks to the covid-19 affair. Obviously, the powerful have no interest in clearing up all the unknowns about the hackneyed origin of the virus, because obscurantism is a dictatorship’s magnificent ally.

The imbalance of power revealed by covid-19 crystallizes in a more complicated day-to-day life for everyone, where abuse of power, coercion and interference in routine are legitimized. At the same time, control agencies are disarmed; there is a "problem”, and the ultimate goal is to "correct" it, no matter how or at whose expense.
The other big winners of this new order are the technology companies, managed by a handful of millionaire families, who saw in the forced lockdowns the perfect ally to make their balance sheets shine. While thousands of companies were dying, Netflix watched its number of subscribers grow and its profits double. Amazon had to cope with an unprecedented surge in demand, both for its orders from individuals and for its cloud services. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, increased his fortune in the first months of that strange 2020 by 25 billion euros, becoming the billionaire who had achieved the largest and fastest growth in wealth in history. Microsoft or Google also strengthened their empires, sponsored by work from home and social distance measures.

As always, it is the middle class that suffers the most, while the political establishment wanders from meeting to meeting, pretending to be interested in our future, placing messages on television that serve as a sleeping pill. Let us not forget, this is not a health crisis. It is torture at the highest level, a modern, technified, subtle dictatorship, in the name of which real crimes against humanity have been committed.
1 World Employment and Social Outlook | ILO. 2022