25 June, 2024

Freedom and reparation for Julian Assange 

Julian Assange faces a new life outside of prison, where he can continue to fight for freedom, transparency, and democracy.
3 June, 2024
vaciine injection

The Covid injection disaster in numbers

The consequences of indiscriminate Covid vaccination campaigns extend to the present day. Just take a look at the figures.
20 March, 2024

Self-Sovereign Property. The future of Digital Identity 

Self-Sovereign Property would allow customers to accumulate voting rights over companies through their digital wallets, proportionally.
7 March, 2024
inocentes documental

INNOCENTS, the documentary depicting the pain of abortion, was presented at the European Parliament.

INNOCENTS, a documentary that brings together harrowing testimonies from mothers and expert opinions on all that abortion entails, comes to the European Parliament.
11 December, 2023

Center Parcs, Woburn Forest: a last-minute trip turned regrettable experience

Center Parcs' inflexible and unjustified conditions made our stay a real disaster. We felt it was not worth the investment at all.
10 July, 2023

It is possible to legislate coherently on Artificial Intelligence?

Europe is preparing an unprecedented Artificial Intelligence law in the midst of a debate with many edges.
30 June, 2023

Mandatory vaccination. Di-SaaStr does not comply with the Nuremberg Code

SaaStr London 2023 subjected attendees to daily temperature checks, further justifying the alleged COVID-19 threat. These propagandistic companies are followed by globalist slave-owning corporations for whom human rights do not exist.
23 May, 2023


Vaxxed: an interesting two-part documentary that delves into the devastating effects of vaccines.
20 April, 2023

Riley Gaines defends the integrity of women’s sports and gets harassed by trans lobby

Riley Gaines is a swimmer and activist in defense of the respect for women's categories in sports, reason for which she suffers attacks.
22 March, 2023

Secrets of the United Nations

A former UN worker uncovers the true operations of this criminal organization, focused on enforcing the 2030 Agenda.
9 March, 2023

Experts join forces against the farse of climate change

The stream of experts challenging the lies regarding climate change is increasingly more and more influential and convincing.
3 March, 2023

Juan Zaragoza. They are simulating a new scenario with one target: children.

Juan Zaragoza shares the upcoming institutional strategies to install diseases and fears, placing children at the very center.
28 February, 2023

Equality? A ministry that attacks both men and women

The new law, known as the 'only yes is yes' law, accentuates inequality between men and women and produces legal uncertainty.
1 February, 2023

Novak Djokovic and the Triumph of Reason

After having endured the most traumatic episode of his life, Djokovic breaks all records and finds the global support he deserves.
17 January, 2023

Monopoly, who owns the world?

The documentary "Monopoly, who owns the world?" reveals how most of everything we know belongs to the same people.
30 December, 2022

Died Suddenly, documentary

A documentary about the terrifying increase of deaths after the aggressive covid inoculation campaigns.
20 December, 2022

The Cowards, by Aarón García Peña

Censorship against Aarón Peña's clever text in which raises his voice against the brainwashing endured throughout the last years.
20 December, 2022

Chemtrails confirmed. They fumigate us to kill us

We must terminate chemtrails: a form of geoengineering with terrible consequences for farming crops and our health.
19 December, 2022

Hold Up. A retrospective look at chaos. 

Documentary in which a multitude of authorities, mainly French, attack the basis of the covid lie.
9 December, 2022

Finally, a sick leave for pain in the balls

Finally, a sick leave for pain in the balls.
27 November, 2022

Globalism’s pillars

Globalism is sustained by a Machiavellian program of manipulation of the values on which our society is based.
14 November, 2022

Stuart Kirk resigned from his position at HSBC or how HSBC terminates its humanist visionary

Stuart Kirk resigned from his position at HSBC following his lecture on the real influence of climate change on the financial sector.
4 November, 2022
The Big Reset

THE BIG RESET: The definitive documentary on the truth of the pandemic

The Big Reset looks at the key points, lies and global implications of the covid-19 pandemic...
27 October, 2022

The most notorious privacy attacks: RadarCOVID

The decisive blow to the RadarCOVID app is a penalty for violating users’ personal information...
24 October, 2022

A crisis that has changed the balance of power forever

Power dynamics have undergone unprecedented shifts, with China at the center and the middle class more punished than ever before...
29 August, 2022

Root Cause

Root Cause, the censored documentary that investigates the long-term consequences of root canals...
15 July, 2022
El dilema de las redes sociales

The social dilemma

"The social media dilemma": an interesting reflection on the addiction to networks and how they really work...
30 June, 2022
baja menstrual

Leave us alone!

The government of Spain implemented a menstrual leave that attacks the most basic principles of equality.
27 June, 2022

The digital euro as a control strategy

The Central Bank seeks the destruction of traditional banking to control us through the Digital Euro...
16 June, 2022

International Pandemic Treaty: the abolition of democracy is coming

WHO pandemic treaty will allow Bill Gates to become global dictator...
10 June, 2022

Stuart Kirk questions the impact of climate change

HSBC suspends Stuart Kirk for daring to put climate change in doubt...
9 June, 2022

The abortion industry

The abortion industry has nothing to do with "reproductive health" and the defense of women's rights...
2 June, 2022


History repeats itself. SaaStr has organized an event in Barcelona to which only those vaccinated against covid-19...
31 May, 2022

The perils of digital identity

Recovering the privacy of our data will be one of the great human battles in the remainder of the twenty-first century...
23 May, 2022

Europe launches international facial recognition system

Europe is working on a monumental project to modernize police forces...
12 May, 2022

Consequences of the COVID-19 tyranny: Turmoil on children’s mental health

Turning mental health into a trendy topic is a double-edged sword...
27 April, 2022

Distributed ownership of technology: the real free digital identity

t’s surprising that in just a few years we’ve gotten used to sending and oversharing our identity documents with endless companies...
25 April, 2022

AWS Summit Madrid 2022. How slave technological companies work

Segregation is still present, with the non-inoculated at the forefront of this battle...
12 April, 2022

ID WALLETS: Regaining control of our digital identity

In response to the need for greater control by citizens, the concept of identity is being redefined nowadays.
4 April, 2022

Nigeria blocks millions of phones for not being linked to a national id number

Nigeria blocks 73 million SIM cards that are not linked to a national identification number (NIN)
10 January, 2022

Why you should protect your children from the Covid-19 shot.

In Spain, 3.3 million children between 5 and 11 years of age have been...
15 December, 2021

COVID Holocaust

The word "holocaust" acquired a new meaning after Hitler's defeat...
15 December, 2021

Brave: A revolutionary browser for a humanistic digital world

The Internet can be a much freer and more democratic place...
9 December, 2021

Madrid British Council Concentration Camp

It is terrifying how a prestigious institution, such as the British Council...
7 December, 2021

Great Barrington Declaration

An alternative approach to the Covid circus confinements...
17 November, 2021

St. George International School discriminates against boys simply for being boys

Saint George's school applies discriminatory regulations without any pedagogical basis.
10 November, 2021

Possible cases of HIV infection among Covid vaccinated

Analysis of those affected by a massive covid...
9 November, 2021

Poland and Hungary, at the forefront of Technological Humanism 

The Internet is no longer that pleasant arcadia, that open forum where any opinion was accepted...