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A clip from the documentary INNOCENTS (INOCENTES), produced in 2021 by ToroTV, was shown on 5 March at the European Parliament, at an event organised by the European Conservative group ECR and the political action group Familia y Vida.
On the 5th of March, the Vox MEP Margarita de la Pisa chaired a meeting of the Family and Life political action group in the European Parliament. The gathering saw the participation of a large number of attendees, including representatives from pro-life associations throughout Europe, such as the journalist, politician, and President of the Intereconomía group, Julio Ariza.
Margarita de la Pisa moderated the interventions, which revolved around a central idea: eradicating the concept of abortion from society and defending the dignity of human life at every moment. This comes at a time when abortion is once again at the center of debate after being constitutionally protected in France, as we have just learned.
At the core of the event, a statement of support was presented under the title: European Manifesto for Life. The speaker lineup included Ana Olalde from the Legal Clinic of San Pablo CEU University, discussing a project to support pregnant mothers. The President of the European Federation for Life and Human Dignity, ONE OF US, Ana del Pino, highlighted that abortion is not freedom but a denial of motherhood and femininity, and should not be attacked by feminism.
Another member of ONE OF US, Pablo Siegrist, expressed concern about the paradigm shifts driven by the 2030 Agenda, which enshrine sexual and reproductive rights without parliamentary debate or ratification.
The meeting underscored the need to defend life on all fronts, acknowledging that many women feel coerced and pressured to undergo abortion, making it often unrelated to a "free" decision. After two hours of discussion and reflection, a manifesto signed by ECR and VOX was read, followed by Julio Ariza presenting the initial minutes of the documentary INNOCENTS. Originally released in December 2021, INNOCENTS features numerous testimonies from mothers and experts such as Manuel Martínez-Sellés, President of the Madrid Medical Association, Polonia Castellanos, President of Christian Lawyers, and the politician Jaime Mayor Oreja.
You can watch INNOCENTS, the full documentary in spanish, below.