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Equal Feminism. Fight to achieve.
I despise the fact that “man-phobic” women have taken the concept of feminism and made it their own. Feminism did not come about to become a phobia. Our purpose was about being able to vote, about not needing our husband to open a bank account, about not being able to sell our company without our consent... about being, in short, equal to men. No more, no less: to fight for exactly the same rights, the same opportunities and the same obligations.
The word feminist, however, has become perverted. Many of the feminist aspirations have been transformed into attitudes of hatred towards men and thus, in the aberration of the masculine: whether the patriarchate is responsible for everything bad that happens to humanity, or if women are subjugated, or let’s go on about that "glass ceiling"....
Dirty lies. None of this is true in the Western world. The deal is that to achieve something in life, anything from a personal purpose to a common goal, one must struggle and sacrifice. Feminism thus equals struggle and sacrifice, not hatred. Both in theory and in practice. Aiming for equality without discrimination between men and women, and not an arrogant search for superiority or resentment towards one another.
Victimhood is on the side of females in a life that is equally difficult for men and women. Many women believe they were born with the "sentence" of living in an eternal disadvantage just because they are women. An innate weakness that makes them deserving of a "safe and entrenched space" from where to win the battle, where the categorical effort is replaced by the comfortable revenge. This refuge is the misunderstood phobic feminism, which instead of strengthening and rewarding them, makes them even weaker and more resentful. I don’t understand why some women cling to it as if it were an asset, without seeing either the damage or the discredit to which it subjects us.
Now these women think that the system or State must protect them in order to get what is denied to them, without effort or example. The solution lies in the politicians, in man or in others, but never in them. They have already done too much, so it’s time for others to take responsibility. Everything consists in demanding that the law takes their side and be much more on their side than on the side of men. If men hit us, then the penalties increase; but if we mistreat men, then justice does not lash out against us. This is how these phobic feminists now "reach out".

Feminist women must compete or cooperate with men on the same level as men do. And in the same circumstances. Men are much more conscious about the fact that at times, one has to sacrifice in exchange for achieving. Thus, in order to achieve her goals, the feminist woman has to have the same courage that certain types of jobs and situations require. If you want to be the best chef in the world, you're going to have to leave your baby with a caregiver and go out and cook for your customers one more time. However, if you take a five-year maternity leave from your profession, don't expect to get it back so easily. Don't even expect the market to be waiting for you.
There is a video circulating the Internet in which a man hits a woman in a park and passers-by come to her defense. In reality, they are two actors simulating a violent situation to see how people react. When the actors reverse roles, and she’s the one hitting him, shame follows. Passers-by begin to laugh and mock the woman's aggression against the man. This time nobody helps him.
The video clearly proves that the current assumption is that of the woman as victim, and the man as executioner. Politically, legally, economically and socially. Many live off this discourse and many women take advantage of this circumstance. Nothing appears in the news when a woman kills a man, or when he commits suicide because he cannot bear the verbal aggression or psychological suppression under which he’s been subjected. It is politically incorrect and the headline just doesn’t sell. Man as a victim of the woman or of another man, does not attract, it is not interesting, it is not published. And so, the other side of the coin is concealed.
Feminism should stand for absolute equal conditions. Including the Penal Code, the immorality of abuse and the headlines. Men and women should have equal roles, and no one should stand in the way. Let’s be reminded of the female Rangers’ case, two women who managed to enter the elite corps of the American army. They were just as massive and physically prepared as their male counterparts. I am sure that no man would have a problem trusting them with his life on the battlefield. Even if they are not soldiers with the "m" for man. This, for example, truly is feminism.

I know an abused man who cannot defend his two-year-old daughter from the beatings of her alcoholic and abusive mother. If he does, he ends up in jail. He can't even restrain her. If he grabs her to detain her, she gets marks that she attributes to his supposed violence. She shows them to the police and... back to jail he goes. He can neither leave the home nor rescue and take his daughter with him. Social services have told him that it is good for the child to be with the mother so that she can recover. It doesn’t matter whether the child is in danger, it only matters that the mother be untouchable. This, for example, is not feminism.
I know another man who married a woman. Two months before, she had bought a house. A house they paid for and maintained between the two of them. It didn't matter that he made twice as much money and spent twice as much time working while she went to the gym. When the divorce happened 23 years later, the judge decided that she should keep the house, while he had to leave and restart from scratch. Imagine this man's helplessness. This is not feminism either.
I once hired a woman for a management position that required not only dedication, but also availability to travel, especially 6 months after she was hired. Two days later, after she joined, she tells me that she is pregnant and that the following week she needs to take 3 days off to go to the doctor. Still she was surprised when I told her that she could not continue in the position due to her circumstances. Her response: "I should have kept quiet. I should have said nothing and continued, so you wouldn't have been able to fire me later". I am a dedicated worker while being a mother of four, and this shameless person took away my wish of hiring any more women in a childbearing-age. This is not feminism either.
Feminism is equality…and equality is fighting and sacrificing equally. If you do the same work as me, you will be paid the same as me, whether you are a man or a woman. If I hit you or you hit me and we are in the conjugal home, it is domestic violence in both cases. It doesn't matter if I am a woman, you are a man, or if we are both the same gender. If you do not work well and do not comply with the conditions of the job, I can fire you without any problem. Just like any other man who doesn't do it either. Regardless of whether you are pregnant or not.

This undeserved protection of women harms women more than anyone else. Because it makes them even weaker. Because it locks them further into a comfort zone that is aggressive but passive at the same time. Those of us who do not need this protection know its trick. Those of us who want to be equal detest it. It is a politically disgusting message, a canned speech, which only serves for some to take advantage of it and blackmail their partners, their employers and society in general. A despicable victimhood that has nothing to do with the active battle for equal feminism. This is feminism.