Hold Up. A retrospective look at chaos.
19 December, 2022
The Cowards, by Aarón García Peña
20 December, 2022
20 December, 2022
Chemtrails: One of the many control methods to which we ordinary citizens are subjected to by the authorities, and one of which carries more longwinded information.
Often dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the misting of toxic substances by airplanes or drones is a mechanism that has been used for decades. In times when the natural increase in temperature is being used one-sidedly by governments of all stripes, it is more than necessary to denounce the use of this geothermal engineering. They scare us with climate change while advancing with their tyrannical agenda.
We look up to the sky and see a multitude of thick white lines drawing a pattern. These are not innocuous vapor trails that disappear in seconds, but chemical elements carefully spread to produce changes in the weather, crops, our behavior, and our health. As a defense, the official narrative is often that these techniques are used precisely to protect the planet from social radiation or to make farmland more efficient. We are being fumigated, constantly, and the consequences are devastating.

The first records of such practices date back to the 1960s. Despite the fact that in 1976 the United Nations declared itself against any type of climatic manipulation "for military or other hostile purposes "1, many countries continue to implement plans for the chemical spraying and treatment of the oceans. In Spain, a Royal Decree of 1986 authorizes experiments to artificially modify rainfall, serving as an excuse for governments of the Community of Madrid, for example, to spread silver iodide and generate snowfall or "stimulate clouds". In 2012, not the only occurrence, Aguirre spent 120,000 euros on this purpose. According to the warnings of manufacturers themselves, silver iodide is highly toxic. Obviously, those responsible for the experiments go to great lengths in assuring and communicating how these products are harmless.
China has been openly using trails to manipulate the weather for many years. Recently it announced an increase in the application of these techniques in order to dissipate hail, cause rain or lower temperatures. By 2025, the Asian giant intends to control the weather through the nebulization of substances, such as silver iodide, over 60% of its territory. It didn’t take long for this titanic project to receive criticism from neighboring countries. India specifically, accuses China of the negative consequences that its plans will have on its climate, such as the modification of the monsoons, and warns of the danger of these policies moving towards practices such as solar radiation control, and other similar geoengineering techniques that affect human health. No studies have been published to support the long-term use of large-scale chemical climate control, so authorities such as scientist Dhanasree Jayaram2, have requested that an international regulation be established.

But…What if geoengineering that uses planes and drones was just an excuse to cause heavy rains and/or droughts, rather than prevent them? Would governments be able to blame global warming for the consequences on our taxes and way of life?
The United Kingdom has openly admitted to using chemtrails to "tackle the causes of climate change" and reduce the carbon footprint, investing millions of pounds in these programs. The media often swallows this version and hides the fact that the heavy metals contained in these trails, which invisibly fall to the ground, damage the environment and are introduced into our system. Multiple investigations point to unusually high amounts of aluminum or barium in the blood as the culprit for the increase in cases of autism or neurological and respiratory diseases3.
In Australia, they are no longer hiding and have allowed a pharmaceutical company to administer vaccines via aerial nebulization to combat infectious diseases such as cholera and the Nile virus. Big Pharma PaxVax will begin its clinical trial of forced vaccination in Queensland on a "limited and controlled" basis. If there is one thing governments have been fighting for during the last two years, it’s to massively vaccinate everyone.
Anyone who dares to condemn these practices faces discredit and marginalization, as happened to journalist Raquel Martínez, with a solvent and long career behind her, when she published on Twitter that chemtrails were harmful to our health. Also, the complaint to the European Commission by MP Ramón Tremosa in 2015, after the confession of meteorology agents that Spain was being sprayed with biocides such as silver iodide and lead dioxide, came to nothing, although time has proved him right. In April 2020, a month after the announcement of the first state of alarm, the Spanish BOE published the order approving the "Armed Forces and the Military Emergency Unit to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection efforts to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19". According to the Ministry of Health, aerial disinfection techniques are more effective than physical ones. In conclusion, Spain has been spraying its population with lethal pesticides for years, under the cover of laws supposedly designed to protect us from a virus. It all makes sense.

We have gone from the greatest health emergency ever lived to the greatest climatic emergency in history; from staying indoors for fear of disease to staying indoors for fear of heat stroke and heatwaves. It’s only a matter of time before globalism dictates intimidating rules based on climate danger. All to favor Eco millionaires like Al Gore and brotherhood, who invest millions of dollars in renewables. We are jumping from made-up crisis to made-up crisis, while the sky is being dyed white to justify the New World Order.
Nothing good can come from a matter that has changed its name at convenience, from climate change to climate emergency to global warming, and that is directed by a corrupt body such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Many members who have been part of this organization have denounced the farce of the warming apocalypse. Such is the case of Vaclav Klaus, who became president of the government of the Czech Republic and refers to the IPCC's policies as propaganda. In several appearances he explained that a rise in temperatures could actually be beneficial. The prestigious climatologist Vincent Gray, who died in 2018, denounced the IPCC as a rotten organization that lacks independence, and whose apocalyptic predictions have no scientific basis, pretending to support with its actions a global campaign of fear and impoverishment.
Marvin Herndon, geophysicist and author of the essay "Chemtrails are not contrails", published an article in 2015 in which he clearly and boldly explained that we are being poisoned by land, sea, and air with concentrations of aluminum and other toxics. In this article, Herndon explained "Globally, for the past decade or more, with dramatically increasing intensity, our planet is being deliberately and clandestinely exposed to a non-natural substance which releases toxic aluminum into the environment... But (...) there has been no disclosure as to the nature of the toxic substances being dispersed into the air". "Operations with aerosols sprayed into the troposphere, which mix with the air we breathe, have increased in frequency since November 2014 and spraying with tanker-jets has become a near daily occurrence that turns blue skies whitish and covered with artificial clouds. Neurological diseases showed explosive growth profiles, including autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, and others, as well as manifold destruction of plant and animal life. The cause being aerosols spread by geoengineering.”

We are constantly being injected and sprayed, causing headaches, allergies, fever, and other symptoms that lead to diseases that they then medicate. All governments are now openly admitting this use, justifying it with various purposes, while the pharmaceutical companies are excitedly rubbing their hands together. What would happen to our health if they stopped spraying us like mosquitoes with chemicals that harm our health? We need worldwide legislation to ban chemtrails. We cannot allow this to continue.
1 1976 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Environmental Manipulation Techniques.
2 Geopolitics, geoengineering governance, and the role of developing countries | Dhanasree Jayaram. Observer Research Foundation. 02/11/2021
3 Chemtrails: An Obvious Overhead Pollutant Ignored and Denied | Paul Fassa. Natural Society. 04/21/2013, updated 02/15/2022
4 Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity. Marvin Herndon | Current Science. 25/06/2015