Stuart Kirk resigned from his position at HSBC or how HSBC terminates its humanist visionary
14 November, 2022
Finally, a sick leave for pain in the balls
9 December, 2022
27 November, 2022
Democracy as we know it, is coming to an end, or better yet, has already been completely crushed. Globalist power, with its agendas of sustainability, its promises of well-being and its peculiar sense of freedom, has been for decades corrupting the values that have made us who we are.
Feminism, environmentalism, or education are manipulated and perverted by the millionaire elites that meets periodically in Davos. From their headquarters they dictate new rules conveniently dosed and disguised as social progress. With the 2030 Agenda, signed by practically all the nations of the planet, and its Development Goals as a roadmap, governments are designing their legislative programs. Globalism is not a symbolic movement: it is already within our institutions.

We constantly hear talk of sustainable resource management, with sanitation and drinking water for all. The so-called climate change is the enemy to beat and renewable energies and mindful consumption are the solution. The reality is that there have already been moves to expropriate land in order to control food production and the drinking water supply1. As an essential resource to stay alive, the privatization of water will place us in hands of these vast waterguards; investment funds that are monopolizing the concessions. As lawyer Pilar Esquinas, expert in water law, explains, springs and aquifers belong to large industrial groups (Nestlé, Danone, Solán de Cabras, etc.) who apply the savage rules of the market. They play with water in the stock market and decide on our right to consume it, or on what taxes we pay depending on what use (urban, agricultural, etc.) we make of it. This water mafia is protected by national governments who manipulate the climate by decree and poison us to maintain safe alliances (also) with pharmaceutical companies. Both Spain2 and France have passed climate change laws that seek to increase fiscal pressure through green taxes, such as the carbon tax, monopolize electricity grids and coerce us to install smart meters that can be controlled from the outside. The result will be the expulsion of small producers, the impoverishment and deindustrialization of countries, and the loss of our energy independence. Electric cars, silent and very expensive, are penetrating a society with serious difficulties to make ends meet, especially now with skyrocketing energy prices, and whose inhabitants will find it increasingly difficult to have access to a vehicle and thus, to their individual freedom. Any measure to solve the ecological imbalance, conceals punches to the economy of the ordinary population. It is globalism’s most basic move: to champion a legitimate cause to justify the curtailment of liberties; in this case, forcing us to use "alternative" energies with inflated benefits and punishing those who insist on using the obsolete gasoline. And if the cause makes no sense or has been disarmed by an important circle of the scientific community: it doesn't matter, because complying with what is established is above reason. Mikhail Gorbachev himself made historic declarations in 1996 when stating "the threat of an environmental crisis will be the key to the international disaster to unlock the New World Order". The recently deceased Russian leader foreshadowed with his own words the manipulative mechanism of the 2030 Agenda.
Timothy Wirth, a Democratic senator during Bill Clinton's term in office, bluntly affirmed that, "even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy". In other words, it has long been clear to those in power that global warming is a product that must be sold at all costs. This line of thought is reflected in studies such as the one published in 2012 in the journal Nature3, a paradigmatic and current example of the farce that says that humans are environment’s main destroyer, which concludes that droughts and hurricanes have not experienced substantial increases in the last 60 years. A statistic based on a little more than 100 years cannot lead us to draw hasty conclusions that turn the world and our state of welfare upside down. During the 1970s, the fashionable terror was, oddly enough, that the Earth was cooling and that we were getting dangerously close to the next great ice age. The states dispute back and forth, focusing on random data to fabricate charts of apocalyptic and dizzying rising temperatures, while avoiding those that didn't fit their bias. Did you know that May of 2013 was the coldest month since 1965? Or that March of this very year was the eighth coldest month of the century? You probably haven’t heard about these statistics on TV while details of the Sahara winds and heat waves were being well delivered.

To set our sight on another of the agenda's objectives, inclusive and quality education, is to open our eyes to a reality that seems to be written by a psychopath, a drawn-out goal that provokes the systematic persecution of anyone who does not think like they do. The globalists are not interested in debate, nor in diversity, nor in political plurality. As businessman Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo, says in a recent article, "political correctness" has replaced all values. A correctness that acts through censorship and punishes any dissenting thought. Those who break bread with the globalist divine will be "virtuous". This virtue will correspond to the level of obedience to its mandates, however rash and random they may seem. The global elite have a powerful ally in today's individualistic and postmodern society, where one cannot speak of "truth" but of "truths", where defending this or that point of view can be considered a hate crime. Historian Fernando Paz, author of the book "Wake up! How the elites are dominating the world" denounces that the purpose of this organization "is to turn the world into a global village, without barriers, without limits, without peculiarities, homogeneous all of it "4. Globalism wants isolated, manageable, uprooted individuals, willing to cancel their vision of the world and put it in favor of the univocal interpretation given to us by institutions. A palpable example is the installation of gender as an ideology within schools. An ideology that sounds liberating but is nothing more than the most rancid sexism coated with a layer of glitter, since it defends that there are no sexes, but there is something like a sexed brain that can manifest itself within any physique. That is to say, if this sexed brain does not correspond to a given body, it must be corrected chemically, surgically, and socially, through medicine and amputation of genitals. The opposite would be to go against the freedom of the person; when the logical thing would be to let people be what they want to be and behave as they wish, accepting an immutable biological reality (two sexes) and understanding that there are thousands of ways to be a man or a woman. As reads the title of a recently published book by psychologist and university professor, José Errasti, and which is generating great impact: "No one is born in the wrong body". On the one hand, it speaks of "gender equality" and, on the other, it disarticulates the definition of gender and crudely mixes it with sex. Yet, who can be interested in defending these dissertations? Behind the gender ideology, perfectly squared into the do-goodism of the 2030 Agenda, are the “associations and experts in nothing” who get rich giving talks and, obviously, the medical and pharmaceutical industries that earn disgusting amounts of money from shamelessly brainwashing everyone. Finland and Sweden have already changed their legislation regarding the hormone treatment of supposedly "trans" minors because they did more harm than good (many studies show that these conditions disappear at puberty without the need for special actions and that they are nothing more than natural reaffirmation phases that have nothing to do with having been born with a body-mind dissonance). The laws of these countries, which I repeat, are backing down due to the horrible long-term consequences of affirmation therapies, have served as the basis for the drafting of the Spanish trans law; nothing more need be added. The Tavistock clinic, specializing in children's gender issues, has had to close its doors for incurring in conflicts of interest, after receiving several complaints for "fast-tracking" gender affirmation treatments and demonstrating that they were mandated by LGBT lobbies.

Thus, it is no coincidence that the regulars of the Bilderberg Club have gotten their claws into feminism. The globalists dismantle the more than legitimate demand for a dignified and egalitarian life to turn it into a war of the sexes. Misandric laws are passed (gender violence, menstrual pains, etc.) and women are turned into a permanently battered community, needing control and care of the institutions because they live in a society dominated by patriarchy, where since birth, they have been bestowed with an original weakness. Women are infantilized and men are singled out for the mere fact of being men. It suits the globalists just fine for us to keep busy confronting each other in the name of gender, while they work on a New Order of mega-corporations and humiliated, constantly supervised workers. Globalism prefers to nuke the population so it forgets class struggle and instead occupies its time in identity politics and in the founding of subsidized organizations that take advantage of the industry of abuse
In the Davos meetings of millionaires, freedom is re-defined and health crises are implanted in a testing ground that is none other than our very selves. A dependent society is fabricated, forced to live in fear and pressured to the maximum to test the limits of its tolerance to the new tyranny. Along the way, the norms of population reduction and impoverishment are encouraged. Economic austerity, yes, but only for us. It is a dictatorship of undemocratic, unelected groups who suppress nations, who place investment funds at the top of the system, in which citizens are mere interchangeable consumer goods. The freedom pursued by the 2030 Agenda is strange, contradictory, and reaches to control our every move. Globalism uses digitalization to manufacture a cashless society, with all its identity credentials together in a single system that can be tracked, connected, or disconnected at its will. Central banks and federal reserves are created by wealthy families who manage the new digital currencies. This mafia does not want to end poverty, it wants to protect the political establishment, to favor a privileged minority and align the rest of us in mediocrity. The radical interventionism proposed by this new oligarchy crystallizes in new laws such as the national security law, recently modified in Spain, which can seize accounts, close businesses, and force the population to work for the state in case of new "pandemics"; pandemics which are directed by the World Health Organization, who in turn is crushing all executive powers. The new law on public health surveillance, currently being drafted, is another instrument emanating from these globalist guidelines, drawn up on the basis of the health dictatorship that has swept over us for the last two years. This law will enable the implementation of systems that allow "the surveillance of the population’s state of health in terms of well-being, morbidity and mortality". The law will be endowed with its own governance body to ensure the updating of these new regulations. Coercion, permanent surveillance, and violation of Human Rights as a distortion of citizen freedom. Now the interest in policies that promote the consumption of insects and demonize red meat makes sense. Changing the production methods towards more "sustainable and affordable" models and asking us to develop our ascetic lives and conversing with this punished world... by the same people who do the damage. In this cynical war that pursues the well-known aphorism of the Davos Forum: "You will have nothing and you will be happy", they recommend us to consume mushrooms, algae and other foods that remind us of meat without being meat, all while allowing us to sleep peacefully because we are not increasing the carbon footprint. Remember that the world is going to end, and it will be your fault. Guilt legitimizes social reorganization movements.

Globalism is an intelligent, subtle movement that knows how to phagocytize personalities such as Elon Musk to defend their green taxes, their infinite toxic punctures and the transhumanism that is determined to turn us all into zombies. To quote historian and philosopher Yuval Harari: "Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have souls or spirits, or even free will, is gone."
No past oligarchy or dictatorship has ever managed to concentrate as much power as today's supremacist globalism, headed by Bill Gates. We are facing a movement that has known how to lay its foundations with extreme efficiency, twisting the data, activating the gears of fear to function like a new religion. And to do so, it has only had to disguise legitimate values, wrapping the statements in progressivism.
1 Globalist corporations begin seizing farmland in America under eminent domain, to halt food production in the name of fighting climate change. JD Heyes | Natural News. 29/12/2021
2 What's new in the climate change and energy transition law? Editorial Staff | Legal News. 21/05/2021
3 Little change in global drought over the past 60 years. Justin Sheffield, Eric F. Wood y Michael L. Roderick | Nature. 14/11/2012
4 Fernando Paz: “The goal of globalism is to turn the world into one big China". Julio Llorente | La Iberia. 22/10/2021