Riley Gaines defends the integrity of women’s sports and gets harassed by trans lobby
20 April, 2023
Mandatory vaccination. Di-SaaStr does not comply with the Nuremberg Code
30 June, 2023
23 May, 2023
"Vaxxed. From Cover-Up to Catastrophe" is a documentary released in 2016 that delves into the proven connection between the MMR vaccine (mumps, measles, and rubella) and profound side effects, such as autism. "Vaxxed," which features a multitude of testimonials from experts and parents whose children have suffered devastating consequences from being inoculated with these vaccines, uncovers that the FDA and CDC deliberately concealed the results of extensive studies demonstrating this link. The film's director, Andrew Wakefield, is a long-time physician who has been studying the connections between autism and vaccines since the late 1990s, publishing his findings in prestigious journals such as The Lancet.
You can watch the complete documentary below.
A second part was released in 2019 titled "Vaxxed: The People's Truth" ("Vaccinated. The People's Truth"). In this installment, the exploration of the relationships between the vaccines administered to our babies around the world and the serious damage they cause goes further, supported by the testimonies of affected families and personalities such as Robert Kennedy Jr. or Jimmy Kimmel.
You can watch the sequel to the documentary here.